One of my favourite Christmas gifts this year can be seen in the pic. It's a handmade whisky decanter from my best friend and his wife. The words in Scottish Gaelic (please do not pronounce as gay-lic, it is pronounced as gaa-lic), on the front are uisge beatha (pronounced as oosh biva), which in English translates to the water of life. As we near the end of 2024 and the beginning of 2025 an unusual topic is on my mind. Alcohol and drunkenness. In Scotland there is commonly a celebration of all three. Hogmany, New Year and excessive consumption of alcohol.
“Why not?!” I hear many say. But that is a question that most have no intention of listening to the answer.
Alcohol misuse and abuse in Scotland is estimated to cost £2.25 Billion per year. But the cost in personal suffering , family breakdown and violence in society cannot be measured. Scotland is well known for having a bad reputation when it comes to alcohol. One of the most famous Hogmanay comedy sketches comes from the miserable Presbyterian church minister Rev IM Jolly. The church leader is characterised as a miserable moaner who only finds a bit of happiness by getting drunk on the “water” that has been switched for vodka.
Director of Christian Mindfulness