Christian Mindfulness Blog with Richard H H Johnston

Do You Feel Stuck?

Can God heal my broken heart?

Inner Healing: God healed my childhood trauma

Depression & My Arnold Schwarzenegger Moment

Why I am a Contemplative Evangelical

Does God Cry? Mindfulness & the Grieving Process

The Weight of Grief

"Christians Shouldn't Get Depressed"?

Check your battery

Q&A Blog on Mindfulness & Christianity

Dark Night of the Soul

Reflections on Anticipatory Grief

Lectio Divina & Mindfulness of God

The Psalms: A Multidimensional Manual

Mindfulness: Avoiding Some of the Pitfalls

Non-judgementalism & Christian Mindfulness

Healing & Chronic Illness

Reconnecting Your Inner Life with God

The Value of Self Acceptance and Self-Compassion

Awake My Soul: A Poem for Mental Health

Meditation & the joy of God

Some Reflections on Union with Christ

Facing the Fog - A poem

Restoring Scotland's Prophetic Heritage

Gospel Diamonds

Black Dog Collar Pastor: Rev Ian Ferguson

Catalyst Hub: Gordon Davidson

Coronavirus & Christian Mindfulness 

End of Year Update 2020

The Good Shepherd & the Coronavirus

10 thoughts on “Christian Mindfulness Blog with Richard H H Johnston

  1. What you describe as “Christian Mindfulness” is simply referred to in Scriptures as prayer and meditation. I do not use the term “mindfulness” in conjunction with Christianity, as mindfulness is a religious practice that comes out of the Buddhist religion. How do you reconcile that?

    1. Great question Pam. You are right that Buddhism includes teaching on mindfulness. But Buddhism does not have a monopoly on mindfulness, especially when you consider the definition of what mindfulness involves. It’s about practicing awareness in the whole of life. See the various blog articles and online courses for an exploration of Christian Mindfulness, prayer, meditation and contemplation.

      1. Thanks for your reply. I’ll have to read more of your articles. I’m writing a new biblically based book about disordered eating. When I learned that mindfulness came out of Buddhism, I ruled out including a chapter on the topic. I may have to reconsider. I have a couple more chapters to finish writing so I have time to decide about that. Again, thank you for your prompt reply.

        1. Sounds very worthwhile. I pray that God leads you each step of the way as you consider what to include in your book.

  2. I agree Pam, I have had some negative responses from people in my church as I have talked about Christian mindfulness meditation. I’m not sure how to move forward with that?

    1. This is a very important point you have raised and there are a whole number of reasons that there can be resistance against Christian mindfulness and meditation. Other blog articles explore this further.

      Here are a number of key questions.

      1. What is mindfulness? How should we define it?

      2. Having defined mindfulness via no. 1 above…What aspects of mindfulness are compatible with biblical faith?

      3. Why do some Christians reject mindfulness? Are the reasons provided valid or do they involve views that have not been carefully thought through? e.g. The view that all meditation comes from Buddhism and/or Hinduism is false.

      4. If you are clear about what mindfulness and meditation are…and you can practice these in a way that is compatible with biblical faith…then why wouldn’t you?

  3. Thankyou for your response Richard, I agree with what you say, re why should Buddhism/Hinduism have the monopoly on Mindfulness and meditation. I guess I’m cautious as a fairly new Christian, I will have a search for the blogs you mentioned.

  4. I am so enjoying the Accredited Christian Mindfulness Course. I have only just begun but my goodness what an impact it is having! if a few weeks on this course can turn my thinking enough to see fruit from it and enhance my joy with God, wow why wouldn’t you! I haven’t yet had anyone question the mindfulness part of the course. I’m quite content and comfortable in being able to explain what it is and sign posting people to relevant (factual) information. so far so good. Thank you Richard and so grateful you added a search bar! makes life easy ha


  5. I was a yoga teacher for many years and therefore was practising daily meditation. There was an emphasis on the beauty of the self and the fact that the self knows what is best for oneself.
    When I became a Christian over 10 years ago I stopped my yoga practise as I didn’t think it was compatible with my new faith.
    Suffering from depression on and off all my life I suddenly noticed that my low moods were daily occurrences. I was missing both the physical and mental side of yoga.
    Now I have discovered Christian Mindfulness and I practise yoga again. Both are compatible and I couldn’t think of a day without either of them.
    Thank you Richard for making this possible.
    Marie Jose

    1. Marie,
      I prefer to speak of mindful awareness of the body or mindful movement instead of speaking of yoga. Using various stretches and exercises in God’s presence can be really beneficial. We can underestimate the huge value of ongoing body awareness and self care in this process. I’m glad you’re finding Christian Mindfulness helpful.

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