"Richard has put together a very clear and insightful course which outlines the benefits of secular mindfulness for health, as well as introducing the spiritual dimension for Christians of mindfulness of God. I would recommend it highly."
Rev. Shaun Lambert, Senior Minister of Stanmore Baptist Church, London, UK and Author of A Book of Sparks: A Study in Christian MindFullness

"Mindfulness is a core human skill, especially when dealing with depression and several other mental illnesses. This Christian approach is most helpful. It contextualizes it for the Christian audience and draws on the rich tradition of related skills such as contemplation and prayer. The course will be of benefit to many people, especially those who struggle with recurrent depression -
Dr Rob Waller, Consultant Psychiatrist working for the NHS in Scotland and Director of the Mind and Soul Foundation.

“I thoroughly recommend to you this course on Christian Mindfulness, knowing the benefits of it personally. It will help you into practices that have been known in past centuries to be helpful to the Christian walk, but have been abandoned or have gone astray from Christian roots. It is in many ways a return to ancient wells where God’s people have always found life-
Rev Kenny Borthwick, Church of Scotland and Former Leader of CLAN (New Wine Scotland).

“For those who are asking the questions, “What is mindfulness?” and “Is it compatible with my Christian faith?” this is an excellent introduction to both topics.”
Henry Virkler, Ph.D. Professor of Counselling, Palm Beach Atlantic University, USA

The Six Session Online Course is a brilliantly clear integration of mindfulness with Christian truth and prayer. I was already familiar with mindfulness and had been seeking Christ-
Dr Tim Devine, Clinical Psychologist and Former Clinical Adviser to the Dorset Mindfulness Centre.

"Richard H H Johnston’s online courses masterfully apply Christian worldview perspectives to mindfulness and also demonstrate the rich history of meditation already found in the Christian tradition."
Fernando Garzon, Former Professor of Community Care and Counselling, Liberty University, Lynchburg, Virginia, USA.

“This course has been a beautiful blessing to me in my walk with Christ, and deepened my prayer, meditation and mindfulness practice while rooting them even deeper into the historical, orthodox expression of the church. For that I am deeply grateful.”
Rev Denise Mosher, Salem, Oregon, USA.

“I am thankful for the work of Christian Mindfulness but in many ways it is not a new perspective. It is strongly related to the contemplative tradition that we find in Church history. And the practice is clearly connected to our union with Christ and biblical faith.”
Dr Tim Lane, Founder & President of the Institute for Pastoral Care.

"The accredited Christian Mindfulness Course is a beautifully paced series of online teaching modules with regular mindfulness and prayer practices woven through which walk the learner through a deep experience of faith-based mindfulness. The material is bible-based but also usefully informed by the fields of neuroscience and psychology, and the learning is embedded in a wide-ranging collection of student assignments. The addition of some music and personal stories combine with the more formal elements to produce a really creative, experiential course which I would recommend for anyone wishing to explore Christian Mindfulness."
Belinda Norrington, Accredited Certificate Student and Lead for Pastoral and Wellbeing development at Zeo Church in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, UK.

Frankly I'm blown away. After 34 years as a Christian, I finally really understand what taking every thought captive means. I can finally believe that being kind to myself is a gift from God. Thanks Rich.
Rev Glen Graham, Senior Minister, Cullompton Baptist Church, Devon UK.

"Meditation is a Christian practice loved in Bible times but forgotten by most today. The Christian Mindfulness and Christian Contemplation online courses show us how to slow down, put down our phones, focus on the inner life and reconnect with Jesus. In these busy, anxious times Christian Mindfulness might sound new, but it's older than King David who said 'I have calmed and quieted my soul' (Psalm 131:2)"
Adrian Warnock, Christian, Husband, father of five, vlogger, blogger, author of Hope Reborn & Raised with Christ, medical doctor, psychiatrist.

A family member had been counseled about being 'mindful.' I tried but was never successful. I attended a Psychiatry Grand Rounds regarding mindfulness and learned that meditation was the key. I thought, "there must be a Christian version of this." I googled and found Richard Johnston's Christian Mindfulness site and have been doing usually 2 meditations a day for the past 2 and 1/2 years. I have found myself increasing living in the moment and enjoying what I am doing - especially in my pediatric practice where I find myself much more enjoying my patients instead of just thinking about moving on the the next one. Above all, I have enjoyed the times with the Lord, simply enjoying His peace and kindness and presence - enjoying Him more than I have ever been able to in my devotional life. It has changed my life and I recommend it to others as the Lord permits.
Mark Dal Corso, MD, MPH, Clinical Associate Professor of Pediatrics, LSU School of Medicine; Clinical Associate Professor of Global Community Health and Behavioral Sciences, Tulane School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine

"I first undertook the Christian Mindfulness course, which significantly helped me to manage better my daily life, and my responses to it. Subsequently I completed the Christian Contemplation course, which has helped me broaden and deepen my relationship with the Lord. Now, one of the meditations available on the website is part of my daily routine. Mindfulness practice can be very helpful and I am really glad that I have found a way to include it in my time with God."
Dr Mick Leach, General Practitioner working for the National Health Service in Harrogate, England, UK.

“Christian Mindfulness, far from being a syncretistic mish-mash, is both a recovery of ancient Christian disciplines and a tool with a scientific rationale. What Richard teaches about contemplative prayer, self-care and Christian mindfulness is well thought out. It is the fruit of many years of practice in the spiritual disciplines. It has been hammered out on the anvil of his own pain. And it works."
Rev Gilmour Lilly, Rosyth Baptist Church, Fife, Scotland, UK

"Richard has provided a biblical and insightful understanding of mindfulness. The practice of mindfulness provides us with an opportunity to stop, and become aware of ourselves and our connection or disconnection to the Spirit of God. As a counsellor and pastor in a busy Church I find this tool particularly helpful. As we practice we become more aware of our thought patterns, motivations, inspirations and perspirations.
This training course can change lives, with a range of simple techniques that allow us to gain a deeper revelation of who we are in Christ. There is nothing more convincing than experience. I recommend that you practice the exercises in this course. The benefits to the body, mind and spirit can go beyond our human understanding."
David Thomson, Associate Pastor and Counsellor, Destiny Church, Glasgow and Board Member of the Association of Christian Counsellors.

Mindfulness practice is being recommended by health and well-
Dr Tricia Kiehlmann, MBChB, MBACP (Accred), Director of Hope Counselling, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK

"The teaching is superb. And the guided meditations. The course lit a passion in me for contemplation and has opened up my heart to God in new ways. It was worth every penny. Would love to go through it all again!" [This endorsement is for the new Christian Contemplation Online Course]
Rev. Sam Torrens, Church of Scotland Minister, Slateford Longstone Parish Church, Edinburgh, Scotland, UK

“This excellent workshop and course brings together the ancient Christian tradition of contemplative prayer with current interest in mindfulness. I would commend this particularly to anyone who is seeking to grapple with the demands of pressured daily living and asking whether there is more to life than they are currently experiencing.”
Revd. Richard Bubbers, Priest-

“Christian Mindfulness has been hugely beneficial for me personally, helping me move closer to God, and listen in the silence to His promptings. As a counsellor I have used the Meditation Scripts with clients and these have been effective in helping individuals develop greater personal awareness of themselves and of God. I am now exploring the possibility of running Christian Mindfulness workshops in Northern Ireland with Richard.”
Stephen McFarland, FdSc, BACP, IANLPC, Inspired Counselling, Northern Ireland

“I found the course very useful on a personal level. It was a refreshing synthesis of ways of ‘being’ that some consider incompatible. The increasing prominence of mindfulness based meditation as an evidence based mitigation for anxiety and depression should be available to Christians too. Grounding that approach on a biblical exegesis is highly commendable and that is what has been achieved. I recommend this course.”
Dr. Tim Ojo, Consultant Psychiatrist, Eko Consulting Ltd. Brighton, England, UK

"Richard is a man with a real passion for the Father heart of God, a man of deep faith who's desire is to see that worked out not only in his own life but in the lives of others. He has taken the whole area of mindfulness, with its many benefits to life and health, and brought it into a Christian context, centred on a living relationship with God through Christ"
Pastor Jon Farrimond, Liberty Church, Dunfermline.

“This course was very interesting and informative. I found Richard's voice calming and relaxing. I felt it really beneficial in listening to these meditations, particularly after a hectic day at work. The skills I learnt will greatly assist my counselling practice. I have personally found it to be a valuable source for obtaining CPD”
Linda Cowan, MSc (Couns) BA(Hons) CBT cert. BACP & ACC, Counselling Care Services, Northern Ireland, UK

“I was delighted to find this Christian Mindfulness course online. It has been an oasis of calm in what can be a hectic, busy life. Richard's calm and methodical approach immediately grounds me into spending time with my creator Father God, my Saviour Jesus Christ and my Counsellor, Holy Spirit. It has taught me the importance of spending dedicated time with God on a regular, focused basis and also the importance of giving oneself permission to devote dedicated time to the renewal of self and deepening of faith.”
Cath Henshall, Counsellor, Cheshire, UK, BACP and ACC Member

"Prayer and Meditation have been part of Christian faith and practice for centuries. This new course demonstrates how Christians can use mindfulness while remaining firmly rooted in the Christian tradition."
Chris Williams, Professor of Psychosocial Psychiatry at the University of Glasgow; Director of Five Areas Limited and Author of Living Life to the Full Resources

"Today, we often equate the Christian faith with busyness and activism, and we even equate prayer with "getting answers" and producing results. We seem to have lost the Biblical and historical practice of prayer & meditation as a way to calm the soul, renew the mind, refocus our priorities, and connect with the presence of God. This course addresses these much needed spiritual practices and shows the benefits and fruit they produce -
Rev. Dr. Martin Trench, Theologian and Pastor of Gateway Alliance Church, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

Very few mindfulness courses today provide a solid biblical framework. This resource is not only biblical, but practical as well. I recommend it as an excellent tool to build the practice of mindfulness into your Christian walk.
Dr. Charles Stone, Lead Pastor, West Park Church, London, Ontario, Canada

A wonderful resource for leading individuals or groups. We all need to practice meditation and have a contemplative aspect to our spirituality. The busy world in which we live in can easily overawe us, and we need to make sure we stop and allow our souls and spirits and bodies to become whole and centred again. This resource allows everyone who engages with it to be led well through some simple exercises in mindfulness and relaxation; it is Christ centred and God focused; and is easily accessible for all."
David Cole. Award winning author of 'The Mystic Path of Meditation -

“I have been following Richard's program and utilizing his method with my client base who experience helpful relief in depressive, anxious, emotional stresses. I also personally practice mindfulness to reduce stress and relax before sleeping. I highly recommend integrating Richard's program into your practice and your personal life.”
Robin DiSilvestro. Counseling Intern at Evangelical Free Church of Crystal Lake, USA
“I would not previously have regarded myself as being within the contemplative tradition of Christianity. However, an extended period of illness led me to seek new and deeper ways of engaging with God’s Word and being open to the Holy Spirit as I sought healing for myself. I found an answer in Christian Mindfulness, which combines the traditions of contemplative Christianity with some of the insights of modern secular Mindfulness. It is an excellent course which offers a Christ-
Rev David Redmayne, Former Minister of Beath and Cowdenbeath North Church of Scotland
“I have been waiting for some years for a good Christian response to Mindfulness, which I use regularly with my clients. The recent Workshop by Richard Johnston, from Christian Mindfulness, gave a solid Biblical basis for using Mindfulness and included practical examples for participants to try for themselves. It’s the first Workshop I have attended where I left feeling more relaxed and refreshed than when I arrived! I would heartily recommend both the Workshop and the website materials to anyone interested in developing Mindfulness, whether as a personal skill, to assist others, or simply as a way of drawing closer to God.”
Heather Vernon BACP Accredited Psychotherapist, Pathways Counselling, Hinckley, Leicestershire, UK
“I would highly recommend this course for Christian counsellors for their personal and professional development as an additional ‘tool’ for their counselling.”
Polly Barton, AMACC, Philippi Cornwall Counsellor and Trainer.
Comments from those who have used the Online Material:
“I have for the last half year or so been partially ill from stress, and have through my job insurance had psychological aid. During recovery, your meditations have been an immeasurable aid in relaxing and getting better, and I am very grateful for your meditations -
"I wanted to write and thank you for the wonderful course you have put together. I first stumbled across mindfulness in searching for something to help me cope with anxiety, and as I wasn't completely sure about the foundations of secular mindfulness I was really interested to find a course that had Christianity as its heart. Whilst it hasn't 'cured' my anxiety, mindfulness has become a tool which really helps me calm my mind and find God in stillness -
“It was extremely helpful as it brought together my Christian understanding and the value I see in practicing Mindfulness”
“It helped me to relax and not to worry about my mind wandering. The pauses really gave me time to focus my thoughts. I love your voice – it’s very soothing."
“Extremely useful, helpful and interesting… and it helped me to relax easily”
“It has given me the peace of mind to move forward with it and explained well how it fits with Christianity. Emphasising how God is all knowing and all present was a revelation to how well it fits.”
“The course was a great introduction to mindfulness. The specific applications from a christian perspective were especially beneficial.”
“The Online Course has had a significant impact on my well-
“A lot of hard work has been put into this course. It is simply excellent for many reasons. The main one is for the way it makes me feel. Thank you.”
Comments from those who have attended the Presented Course:
“Do it! It’s fantastic. Not only does it have all the benefits of mindfulness meditation, it also helps you connect to God. A truly unique course.”
“I found the course hugely inspiring and useful”
"Very uplifting and well worthwhile"
"I have a better understanding of meditation and its benefits both physically and spiritually"
"Helped me relax and be calm"
"Able to slow down my mind on occasions and try to be more positive"
"Even just a short meditation really helps me to focus....I feel I'm more productive and able to concentrate better"
"My mood is definitely improving and I'm dealing much better with stress and anxiety"
"The course was very well presented. I found the mix of teaching, videos and meditations really worked"
80% of those who attended reported improved mood levels and that they were able to handle stress better by the end of the course.