Living Life To The Full With God Zoom Course

Living Life To The Full - written by Prof Chris Williams

Used widely in the NHS

When does the course start?

Thursday 7th November 2024 at 7.30pm UK time


The sessions will be presented by Richard H H Johnston


Each session will be presented live online using Zoom software.  This can be downloaded free here

What’s included?

  • Access to all of the LIVE online Zoom sessions led by Richard H H Johnston

Session 1 – Thursday 7th November 2024 7.30-9pm UK time

How life/faith are impacted at times of low mood/stress

  • How low mood can affect your life and relationships
  • Consider how low mood/stress affect faith
  • Reflect on how faith can be part of the solution, or become part of the problem

Session 2 – Thursday 14th November 2024 7.30-9pm UK time

Doing things that make you feel better

  • Consider ways of maintaining our walk with God
  • Understand how low mood or anxiety can make going to church hard.
  • Work out ways of supporting ourselves or others when they are struggling.

Session 3 – Thursday 21st November 2023 7.30-9pm UK time

Helpful and unhelpful ways of thinking about ourselves, others and God

  • Learn to spot and change common patterns of unhelpful thinking.
  • Contrast some of the ways we judge and condemn ourselves - and compare that with how God sees us.
  • Practice being kinder and more compassionate to ourselves when we are upset.

Session 4 – Thursday 28th November 2023 7.30-9pm UK time

Relating to others

  • Discover how to live the Great Commandment in practical ways
  • Seeing through the eyes of others/the perspective of others.
  • Forgiveness and repairing broken relationships
  • Also included - Four CBT Booklets by Prof Chris Williams relating to the four course sessions - sent to your home address - no additional charge.

How much is it to enrol for this Living Life To The Full With God Zoom Course?


What next?

Immediately following completion of the Living Life To The Full With God course there will be an option for you to go on to do the Christian Mindfulness Course (seven sessions).

Important Information

Please note that this course does not provide any counselling or psychiatric advice.  If you have any doubts regarding the suitability of CBT for you personally then please consult with your doctor or health professional first.


Living Life To the Full

with God

Four Session Course on Zoom

Led by Richard H H Johnston

To book your place buy a ticket below

Only £60

Book Ticket

This Living Life To The Full With God Course on Zoom explores the key principles of Cognitive Behavioural Therapy within a faith based setting. Each session includes teaching, personal reflection time and small group discussion.  There will be a variety of opportunities for you to think through how you can apply CBT Life Skills in your own daily life. These are proven skills and techniques that can aid recovery from stress, low mood and anxiety.

Recommendation from previous course attendee:

Thank you for such a stimulating and helpful course. I came to the course with two hats on:

Firstly as someone who had had CBT 9 years ago but hadn't fully understood or had explained what it was all about. As a result I forgot all I had learnt. You explained things so clearly and showed me a number of strategies which will remain with me for the rest of my life.

Secondly I came as a Pastor. I believe that the course provided me with so many things to help my ministry going forward.

Rev Glen Graham