Highlights of 2024 Christian Mindfulness & Revive Us Again Ministries

RT Kendall and I at his apartment in Edinburgh

Praying for Revival with RT Kendall

There's so much to be thankful for as I look back on 2024. Here are a few highlights.

In May, after many months of prayer and planning, I was able to host the Revive Us Again Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. The conference had a celebratory feel to it but also struck a note of heartfelt longing and prayer for revival in our nation. The conference speakers each brought their own powerful and engaging messages on the need for revival and some of the encouraging signs of the Spirit's work in our land at this time.  The speakers were John Caldwell, RT Kendall, Tom Lennie, Pete Anderson and Donna MacNeil. You can download and listen to all the messages here

RT Kendall is probably the one person (not more than Jesus!) who has influenced my faith and beliefs. I have read the majority of his books and met him on several occasions. I will never forget the privilege of being able to spend time chatting with him at his apartment and to drive him around Edinburgh as he spoke at Holy Trinity Church and City on A Hill. Equally encouraging were the Scottish preachers who brought the word of the Lord at the conference. At a time when the gospel is being lost from so many pulpits, it is more important than ever that the whole Gospel is proclaimed in our land.

On Sunday 26th May I spent the whole day with RT, Louise and TR Kendall. I saw and heard RT preach at two services in Edinburgh. In the morning service at Holy Trinity Westerhailes, RT spoke on forgiveness, a message I have heard many times before. It would have been easy to switch off and take the attitude "I've heard this all before". But the message was anointed and powerful. Near the end of the preach there were tears in my eyes. I looked across the church aisle to see the church minister. He also was weeping under the power of the preached word. In the evening the same thing happened to me again. RT gave an altar call at City on a Hill Church. And 15 gave their lives to Christ. I wept again. Not with sadness, but with joy to see God move so powerfully.

In mid-January 2024 I was part of a gathering of around 200 church leaders from all over Scotland. It involved a time of prayer and fasting, seeking God for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in Scotland in these days. It was so encouraging and inspiring  to gather with leaders from diverse church backgrounds who joined with one voice together - "O that you would rend the heavens" and pour out your Spirit on our land in these days! See here for more info.

In April 2024 I was part of the Borderlands Revival Conference which was a unique gathering of Christians very near the Scotland/England border. We joined together with one vision of seeking God for an outpouring of his Spirit and power on our United Kingdom. I want to especially thank Tom and Liz Seagraves for organising this special time of ministry, worship, preaching and encouragement. You can listen to all of the conference sessions on nos 34-38 of the Revive Us Again Podcast here (SoundCloud App required).

Tom Lennie is Scotland's foremost revival historian. In his latest book he takes on the task o a detailed and rigorous exploration of the Isle of Lewis Revival 1949-52. What Tom has produced is a fascinating and engaging piece of research that deals with some of the exaggerations of what actually happened but still upholds the incredible move of God that took place in Barvas and on the westside of the isle of Lewis. I was able to interview Tom about his book and his own thoughts on revival as we look to the future.  See here.

In early June I was interviewed on UCB2 Radio and asked to share from both Revive Us Again Ministries and the Christian Mindfulness ministry. What a wonderful opportunity this was to share on national Christian radio about the heart of God for his people both in revival and in contemplative, meditative ministry through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. To listen to the radio interview see here.

In June, Shaun Lambert and I were able to host the Mindful Formation Online Conference which featured speakers from the UK and USA. This brought a fascinating variety of perspectives together in a unique conference. We were united together in our exploration of how Christian Mindfulness and mindfulness more generally can form part of our spiritual formation. Attention and awareness are central pillars to the spiritual formation process and as Christians our goal is to become more like Christ in every aspect of our character and life. What does this look like and how should we understand and cooperate with God in that process of formation? These are some of the questions we explored in this rich and fascinating conference. You can hear all the sessions here.

I especially want to recommend Shaun Lambert's book Mindful Formation which includes a whole section described as a "Mindful Way of Life" or Mindful Rule. The Mindful Rule has taken up many weeks of study and meditation during the ongoing weekly meetings of Mindful Church. These have been rich, blessed and encouraging times of teaching, meditation and sharing together, with several new faces joining us for our weekly service. on zoom.

I want to especially thank Bev Walker, Paul Bane and Carin Dusse for their help, assistance and teaching during 2024. Three very gifted and blessed friends of Mindful Church who have given much of themselves to serve and bless our online gatherings. Bev decided to step back from her role as Assistant leader in the summer, due to health and family reasons. Thank you so much for all of your prayers, teaching and support Bev.

We pray especially for Paul Bane who is based in Nashville. Paul has regularly shared with us at Mindful Church but has recently faced his own health challenges. We are all praying for a speedy recovery for you Paul.

In the early part of 2024 I was involved in helping Prof Chris Williams re-write some of his CBT materials for Christians. After many iterations and brainstorming sessions, Chris finalised the Living Life to the Full With God course. I am now involved in offering this new course through zoom and have been able to run two courses in the second part of 2024. It's such a privilege to offer teaching and support to Christians who are struggling with stress, low mood or anxiety.  We all struggle with mental health in different ways at different times. Perhaps you could benefit from the Living Life to the Full With God Course.  See here for more details.

I continue to offer the Christian Mindfulness course, which is now available in a new four session format that is delivered via zoom. The aim in these sessions is to facilitate and enable people to receive the healing mercy of Christ through meditative, contemplative and mindfulness practices. It's a joy and privilege to get alongside many in key church leadership roles and offer resources and help to those feeling stressed, anxious or struggling with their mental health. For the next course see here.

From September to the end of November I took on the mammoth task of delivering 13 lectures exploring the theological depth of probably the Apostle Paul's greatest book in the New Testament - the book of Romans. This was a captivating and mesmerising journey and many have listened to the recording which are available through Youtube and through SoundCloud. If you have never studied Romans in depth before I thoroughly recommend these lectures to you. All of the main chapters and themes are covered on this journey of Going Deeper through Romans. To view all the sessions see here.

I passionately believe in the importance and value of the Bible as God's inspired word. In 2024 there have been many and various opportunities to preach and teach the Scriptures in different church settings. I am so thankful for the privilege of being able to bring God's word and pray I will never take this for granted. If you would like to catch up on some of the other messages from 2024 then check out the Revive Us Again Podcast here and the Christian Mindfulness Podcast here. These are available via the SoundCloud app which you need to get from your smartphone app store first.

The 2024/25 Winter Sale is on now and there are many different packages available at discount. Each one is aimed at helping you in your walk with God, your mental health, your devotional life, your meditation or mindfulness practice, etc. See here to browse all the package options.

Thank you to all those who support me through prayer and financial support. Every prayer and gift is really appreciated and I thank God for each and every one of you. If you would like to support me and the ministries I am involved in through a one off or regular financial gift then please see here.

Many thanks and every blessing in Christ.

In His Service,

Richard H H Johnston

Founder of Christian Mindfulness, Mindful Church and Revive Us Again Ministries

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